Peace hands and doves

Servas representatives at the UN

Servas International United Nations Team (SI UNT)

SI at UN in Vienna

Hamsavahini Singh

Coordinator of the SI UN Team

Servas India

I am unable to think of a more beautiful, peaceful, and ennobling organisation than Servas in my association through which for the past three decades I, my husband and my daughter have been able to build joyful bridges of friendship by travelling and staying with Servas families, including World Cycle Tour from 1999 to 2001 and, by hosting Servas guests in our homes. These interactions with Servas have been an invaluable learning experience and this bond became stronger with the passage of time and motivated me to become Servas India State Coordinator, Newsletter Editor and currently Peace Secretary.

I am teaching at a Women’s University. Through my work I am strongly associated with the dreams, aspirations, challenges faced by young women and teach, counsel, and guide them to become empowered individuals. I have worked with local level NGOs but with the UN for the first time. A good teacher never ceases to be a student. I am passionately committed to the Life-long Learning concept. As Coordinator since 2022 I have had the opportunity to learn more about the involvement of SI at the UN and want to make the presence of Servas more prominent and fulfil the goals of Servas in peacebuilding.

Angelika Hoffman

Representative of the SI UN Team (Vienna)

Servas Austria

I am a sociologist, and studied politics at University in Vienna. I worked on topics of Countries of the South and on Living and Working conditions in Austria, especially women. I am a long-time member of Servas and had the feeling of getting closer to UN-work when I visited the UN-Women’s Conference in Beijing in 1996.

At the UN in Vienna, almost all NGOs work together in thematic Committees: Peace, Women, Sustainable development, Ageing, Drugs, etc. Servas International is involved mainly in Peace, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee, also in the Women’s NGO Committee, which takes part in the yearly CSW (Commission of the Status of Women) in NY, in form of statements and by visiting it.

The UN Office for Disarmement Affaires (UNODA), made a video including Servas for their internal workshops on Peace Education for Women, who then might be at Peace-negotiations as demanded in Resolution 1325.

Topics at regular side events we might attend are mainly around women’s sexual exploitation, trafficking in general, environmental crime, cyber crimes, sustainable development, etc. At UN-Vienna, Servas and other NGOs continue our work for a better future.

David Menham

Representative of the SI UN Team (Vienna)

Servas Austria

I am a former graduate of Peace Studies, youth worker, English trainer, communications lecturer and teacher. I first joined Servas as a host in 1979. In the 1980's I acted as the National Peace Secretary for Servas England, Scotland and Wales. I also met my wife through Servas and we were married in Budapest, Hungary in 1981. Since 1991 we have been living in Austria.

More recently I have been assisting Angelika as a UN Observer on the Committee for Sustainability. Together we have attended a number of important conferences concerned with nuclear proliferation and the abolition of nuclear weapons. I am also a member of the sustainability committee operated by CONGO which brings together representatives from various NGOs. 

Marneo Serenelli

Representative of the SI UN Team (Vienna)

Servas Italy

I have worked as a teacher (in Italy and abroad), as a researcher and a psychologist. In the last years of my professional career, I also dealt with peace education, intercultural relations and human rights. Currently I am a pensioner and work part-time as a psychologist, but I foresee that in the near future I would leave work engagements and enjoy more room for volunteering.

I have been a member of Servas for decades. I am a host and participated in several national and international events; I was also a member of SI Conflict Resolution Committee for three years.

I feel that UN should play a key role in the world, starting from the issue of peace. Now when globalization has reached high levels, in my opinion we need a governing body for the entire human community more than ever. There is a lot to do at different levels for such a big task and networking might be a key strategy, within which I can try to give my little bottom-up contribution.

Photo of Anneliese Steiner

Anneliese Steiner

Representative of the SI UN Team (Vienna)

Servas Austria

I joined SERVAS in 1987 while studying in the US. Since then I've been hosting in Vienna as well as travelling within the community on all continents. I speak German, English and Italian and I lived some years in Italy, Hungary and the US.I've retired from being a teacher in December 2023 after working for 40 years as an English teacher, a mentor, a coach and a trainer for young teachers. In the last 10 years of my pedagogical career I was part of a team responsible for the support and implementation of inclusive setting in schools in Vienna.I've always stood up for human rights, for people with disadvantages, for a peaceful coexistence and for sustainability. I would like to do more of this, together with other stakeholders, learning and exchanging expertise.I was representing SERVAS at the UN between 2002 and 2005, but then had to quit. My teaching job was too challenging. Now that I've retired there is more energy and time for NGO activities. 

SI at UN in Geneva

Daniela Dönges

Representative of the SI UN Team (Geneva)

Servas Germany

Hi, I am Daniela and was born 1971 in Germany. Together with my family I’ve been living many years on the French side of Geneva, where I discovered my passion for intercultural dialogue and human rights. In 2014 I became a member of SERVAS and have been serving as the (main) representative of SERVAS International to the United Nations in Geneva ever since. In this function I am responsible for accreditations, the submission of written and oral statements, as well as the reservation of rooms and preparation for side-events. 

I have supported and hosted SERVAS trainees and other SERVAS members who wanted to attend sessions of the HRC. Between 2018 and 2020 I have been living and working in Bethlehem/ Palestine as country coordinator for a German NGO. After my return I joined a Swiss humanitarian organisation and am now working in the office in Zurich. In the meantime I have moved back to Germany and am now living close to the famous Rhine falls together with my partner, dogs and two goats. Regularly I am returning to Geneva, to attend sessions of the Human Rights Council.

Helga Merkelbach

Representative of the SI UN Team (Geneva)

Servas Germany

When I joined SERVAS in 1985 I expected it to suit my life-long activities in antiracism (Anti-Apartheid-Movement), anti-fascism (engagement in civil society) and for peace-finding (training in non-violent communication). The idea of peace through personal meeting attracted me – and I would love to add that we can also meet in person virtually to save the environment. 

Since I have retired from part-time work for an NGO (engaged in prevention of sexual abuse of girls) and full-time teaching (at various schools in Germany, England, Ethiopia, and Brazil) I now spend more and more time in activities to promote the SERVAS concept. After having supported work in UN HCR 45 in Corona times I am happy about being accredited as a representative in Geneva. 

Hopefully, I may continue international (SERVAS) contacts and cooperation towards a more peaceful and just life for all in a less abused environment. 

Béatrice Castera

Representative of the SI UN Team (Geneva)

Servas France

Being a member since 1989 in France, I joined SERVAS with the same aim as the founding people of the organisation: help build world peace and meeting people of diverse cultures to forge a relationship. 

Signing up to SERVAS is a means to build peace by promoting exchanges, discussions and being an active motor supporting a better understanding between people. I got the chance to meet numerous members while travelling with my family around the world or as a host. These members became part of my life, by keeping contact and meeting when possible.

After thirty years being a SERVAS member, I would like to take a step further in promoting world peace by actively volunteering. 

In 2021, after the Servas France General Assembly, I decided to join the French working group created to discuss SERVAS and peacekeeping. Attached to Servas values, I have been willing to invest myself into our dear organisation as a new Servas representative at the UN in Geneva.

I am happy and eager to collaborate with the other team members to represent Servas. 

Photo of Magnus Adam

Magnus Adam

Representative of the SI UN Team (Geneva)

Servas Germany

I became a member of Servas when I returned from a three months internship in Uruguay, 2007. It was indeed not Europe but South America, where I first learned about our international peace association. In 2013 I became junior assistant to former Peace Secretary Danielle Serres, and together we started wonderful UN activities. The United Nations Human Rights Council is a platform where civil society can raise its voice, exchange ideas with other associations and advertise how civil society can make a change in difficult times. I am convinced that not only governments but also civil society are responsible for the peaceful development of international relations. Meeting people from all over the world and promoting cultural exchange is a proven way to grow peace. Let's travel for peace together!  

SI at UN in New York City

Julie Cormack

Representative of the SI UN Team (New York City)

Servas Canada

I’ve always believed in the idea that “to move beyond one’s comfort zone is to learn.”

This was particularly applicable when, as a university professor, I encouraged students to participate in field programmes, often joining them overseas.

To experience another’s day-to-day life, listen to their stories, or share in their ideas is to create a sincere human bond of respect, trust, and honesty, which leads to an open-mindedness around differences.

We all want the same thing: love of family and friends, good health, and opportunities and the flexibility to enjoy these prospects. We are curious, usually rational beings; this curiosity gives us the chance to leave our comfort zone. With retirement, I continue to be curious and share anthropological ideals of cultural sensitivity and understanding.

My role here is to learn and talk about women’s rights, peace, and climate crisis through the lens of those who know - traditional peoples and voices who have been shunned.

Alison Telsey

Representative of the SI UN Team (New York City)

Servas US

I have been a SERVAS traveller and host since the early 1980's.

I was introduced to the organisation when I decided to take a year off from work and studies to travel the world. For over 40 years I have lived in New York City.

I am a Psychologist and have worked in education both nationally and internationally, as a professional staff developer, to maximise opportunities for students with disabilities. 

Presently I am retired and am delighted to have the opportunity to serve as a UN representative for SERVAS. I am particularly passionate about education for all children and preserving the environment for future generations.

I believe in the sustainable goals of the UN and look forward to networking with people, advocating for SERVAS and putting forth energy to preserve the beauty of our planet.

Kent Macaulay

Representative of the SI UN Team (New York City)

Servas Canada

I live on a small island on Canada’s Pacific coast.

My studies in adult and intercultural education led to a career in government and non-profit organisations. I served on the board of Oxfam Canada for several years and I continue to advocate passionately for the rights of women, girls and LGBTIQ+ persons. I am keenly interested in politics, social justice, international development, and global issues.

I have been a Servas Canada host and traveller since the late 1980s after learning about Servas while travelling in Denmark.

In 2018, I joined the Servas Canada board.  In autumn 2020, I became one of the five SI Representatives to the UN in New York. Since January 2022, I have been SI’s Main Representative to that UN location.

Daniela (Danny) Margoth Balderrama

Representative of the SI UN Team (New York City)

Servas Bolivia

I am from Bolivia, a South American country. I have a bachelor's degree in Linguistics and a Master’s degree in Educational Technologies and Digital Resources.

I have always been involved in taking care of our only home, The Earth, so I believe that every single step has its impact. Besides, ever since I was a little girl, I have fought for human rights. Everybody, no matter the religion, sex, age, country or other trait, has to be respected and taken into account in any governmental, regional or international resolution.

I love to share experiences with people from all over the world, and I see that with some effort, we can see it without borders. Differences as colours have to make the world attractive, and wherever I am, I want to spread the voice of peace, resilience, freedom and equality.


Laurie Levine

Representative of the SI UN Team (New York City)

Servas US

I joined SERVAS last year after hearing about this wonderful organisation from a long time member. I am now excited about helping to promote SERVAS’s goals by serving as a United Nations representative. The areas of education, access and equity and gender equality are areas that I am passionate about.

Presently, I work as an educational consultant and transition specialist for various school districts in New York State. Previously, I have worked overseas in Bhutan and Colombia helping to develop schools and programs for students with disabilities.

As a SERVAS representative to the UN I look forward to working collaboratively with other members of SERVAS in advocating for the UN’s sustainable goals.  I am excited to be part of this wonderful group of people!

United Nations

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