Feet of Tango partners

Tango focus for Argentina's exchange programme

Argentina is the country in South America with the most Servas members. Our experience in Servas Argentina is that having a common project strengthens the local group and keeps the spirit of our organization alive and strong. So, as part of the Servas Cultural Exchange, we set up our Tango Exchange Programme. We chose the tango because this dance is closely linked to our Argentinian identity. We offer a three-week programme so the participants can enjoy the experience of seeing their dance level improve as well as dancing in local milongas (saloons where traditionally people dance tango in Argentina).

We arrange host accommodation, individual classes and group tango classes and lots of help with information. The various activities involve many different people and places across our vast country.

People applying for the courses must have some knowledge of Spanish and also need be able to dance at an intermediate tango level.

Servas Argentina is able to organize four programmes a year and we hope to welcome Servas members from other countries. So far we are pleased to have welcomed people from the USA, Australia and France. All Servas members who fulfill the basic requirements and would like to know more about the programmes can email me, Ana Manghi, the National Secretary of Servas Argentina at info@anamanghi.com

Ana Manghi

National secretary

Servas Argentina


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