SYLE 2023 (Servas Youth Language Experience)


SERVAS is offering SYLE opportunity to all young members, to stay for an extended hosting at Servas.

   It can be a youth- exchange and /or it can be joined to volunteering experiences.

   What is Syle?

   It is a special EXPERIENCE inside SERVAS. It is a PROGRAM, flexible and adaptable, to be agreed between Coordinator-Hosting-Travelling Members.

   in Servas the programs active are: 

   SYLE for YOUTH (FROM 18 TO 30)

   JUNIOR SYLE (FROM 14 TO 18). it can be only a hosting program

   YOUTH EXCHANGE    hosting/travelling program agreed between two families if the traveller is under 18 years old or between youngsters if  above 18 years old.

   SYLE + VOLUNTEERING  part of the staying is dedicated to volunteering experience aimed to know better the social conditions (human rights, immigration, peace       building, climate subjects, etc)





2-4 weeks of Servas hosting period reserved to young Servas members. We suggest 1 week for each hosting family, so for 4 weeks program, 4 families of the same country can be involved.


Aim and purposes:

  •  to study  a language (attending language Courses or private lessons) or to have conversation in a foreign language


  • to know the culture  (or specific aspects, for example artistic expression, cooking, music, etc…)of the hosting country. In this case you must outline the language in which you want to do the Syle.


  • o get involved in social activities, inside and outside Servas net, aimed to learn more about human rights, climate subjects, peace building activities.


Index of the Program

The Index and details are programmed according to the expectation/wishes of Syle Travellers’ and to the Servas Hosting families.

As Hosting families are usually composed by working parents, the Travellers over 18 years can be invited to manage in independent way their daily time, expecially in visiting other towns or locations.

The visit to other towns can be managed by him/herself or with the help of the hosting families. In any case the costs of transport and personal expenses (, concerts tickets..others) are at Travellers’charge.


Travellers under 18 years: have to  respect the rules of hosting families. Any kind of  program has to be agreed between the hosting and the traveller’s families. This Syle has to be understood as a “private agreement” between Servas families, with no responsibility for Servas Coordinators.

Both sides can agree an “exchange” between the teenagers: in this case they should agree timing and details before the trip.

Please check and be sure that your son/daughter can travel alone. Several fligth companies have restrictions.


Application form and selection: the application form must be sent to the coordinator 5-4 months before the travel. The candidate has to be approved after discussion and acceptance of the present rules.

Here is the link to the SYLE 2023 - REGISTRATION FORM:


Rules :

Syle hosting is in Servas’ Style: that is that the Travellers is hosted in a family, he/she is not a guest but he/she is a member of the family. Like any other family members, he/she must help in keeping his/her room tidy . He/she can be asked to help in homework and in garden work (if any).

Costs: Hosting family offers loadging in Servas’ style (meals at home). Any meals outside (for example Restaurants or other )are at traveller’s charge. Trip costs, museum or concert tickets, eventual renting of bike..are at traveller’s charge. Please be sure to have pocket money with you.

Use of internet : the traveller (expecially extra EU travellers) must be equipped with his/her own mobile and internet rate, if not: it is important to agree with the hosting family the use of family’s internet.

The Travellers can be invited to introduce/to show the culture of his/her country with specific focus on Youth  way-of-living and Servas Youth condition in her/his country.

The Travellers according to his/her skills and talents, can be invited to animate a traditional dinner/or meeting with other young Servas friends. For example if she/he plays an instrument, or if she/he is able to cook a traditional dish..a special dinner/event can be programmed.

SYLE is for Servas members only.

A valid LOI (letter of Introduction) will be necessary before the trip. For Minors, the YLOI or the parents’ LOI is requested.

A final short report will be asked to the Travellers and to the Hosting Families, to be shown during SErvas meeting and issued in Servas web/magazine.


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